Certificate Use

Use this page to specify the invoice or invoices to which a limited use certificate applies. You can also apply the certificate to invoices or lines that match the values of any defined custom attributes.

See the Field Reference below for a description of the matching process.

If a transaction matches any of the limited use criteria, and satisfies all other certificate data as configured on the Certificate page, the certificate is applied to the transaction. Assuming that other transaction data matches the certificate's definition, the following example indicates that this limited certificate will apply to transactions meeting specified criteria:

  • Includes the specified XML element
  • Includes the value pattern


Certificate Use Field Reference




Selected Certificate


The certificate for which you are setting use parameters.

Selected Criterion


The limited use criterion currently applied to this certificate (if any).

Use Criteria

Y (default)

Indicates whether this certificate potentially applies to all transactions (Blanket) or those transactions matching criteria selected below (Limited).

XML Element


One or more Custom Attribute elements used to match this certificate to invoice or line-level transaction data. You can specify multiple elements and associated value patterns.

You can only select Custom Attributes that you have already defined.

Value Pattern


The value of the attribute, such as an invoice number.

A blank is considered valid data, but you can enter a pattern:

  • An exact string to match. Bracket the data you want to match with the ^ and $ regular expressions. For example, to match invoice 1001, enter ^1001$.
  • A string that contains no regular expressions or wildcards. In this case, the string includes an implied % wildcard both at the beginning and end of the string. For example, entering the string 1234 would match 1234, 11234, 12345, and 1123456, but would not match 11223344.
  • A pattern using the following wildcards in conjunction with the regular expressions shown above: % (percent) to match any number of characters, or _ (underline) to match any one character. For example, entering the string %1234_$ would match 12345, 12346, 112345, and 112346, but would not match 1123456.