Registration Masks

Determination supports two registration mask formats, one of which is enforced depending on the setting of the USE_SIMPLE_REGISTRATIONS Configuration parameter:

  • If USE_SIMPLE_REGISTRATIONS is set to Y, registrations submitted in input XML need only match the format shown in the Simple column below.
  • If USE_SIMPLE_REGISTRATIONS is not set, or is set to N, registrations submitted in input XML must match the format shown in the Complex column below.

See Registration and License Formats for information about the regular expressions that make up each mask.

Simple registration masks can be passed in and used in tax calculations but cannot be entered on the Registrations page.

Updating Registration Masks

Registration masks are updated regularly. Changed registrations masks are included in monthly updates and a complete list is posted on the Knowledge Base.

The following table shows two types of masks for France and Germany. You can see a list of all registration masks currently in Determination, with an explanation of the format, and see examples of each. Click to visit the Registration Masks information in the Knowledge Base.

Authority Name

Registration Mask

Simple Registration Mask




