TransEditor Actions

Use this page to create actions that are executed when a TransEditor's conditions are met. Or, if no conditions are specified in the TransEditor, all actions are executed.

An action sets a target element to one of the following:

  • A constant value. For example, you could create an action that sets the invoice-level ALLOCATION_NAME element to the desired value.
  • The value of another element. For example, you could create an action that sets the line-level IS_EXEMPT.ALL element to True.
  • The value of an element after it is modified by a math expression. For example, you could create an action that sets the line-level GROSS_AMOUNT to GROSS_AMOUNT+USER_ELEMENT.ATTRIBUTE7 as shown in the following screen shot.

Before using this page for the first time, review TransEditors.

Add an action for a TransEditor

  1. Select the desired TransEditor on the List TransEditors page.
  2. Select Add Action from that page's Actions menu. A blank TransEditor Actions page appears.
  3. Enter the action using the field reference below.
  4. Click Submit to save your changes.

Edit the currently-selected action

  1. Modify the data.
  2. Click Submit to save your changes.

Delete the currently-selected action

  1. Select Delete Action from the Actions menu.
  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

TransEditor Actions Field Reference




Target Element


The element that is acted upon. To select an element:

  1. Begin typing the name of the element.
  2. Select the desired element from the pop-up list.

For example, you could type ship_f to display a list of Ship From elements from which to select.

If you do not see the desired element, you may need to enter more characters; for example, to display the INVOICE.SHIP_FROM.CITY and LINE.SHIP_FROM.CITY elements.

Value Element / Expression

Y, if selected

An element, or a math expression containing a numeric -type element., used to populate the target element. For a list of valid examples of elements and expressions, see TransEditors.

To select an element:

  1. Begin typing the name of the element.
  2. Select the desired element from the pop-up list.

For example, you could type ship_f to display a list of Ship From elements from which to select.

If you do not see the desired element, you may need to enter more characters; for example, to display the INVOICE.SHIP_FROM.CITY and LINE.SHIP_FROM.CITY elements.

To create a math expression, use only the +,-,*, or / operators and ensure that the element you are including in the expression is a numeric-type element, such as GROSS_AMOUNT or USER_ELEMENT.



The value of the element that is acted on can be set to a constant by selecting the Constant radio button, then entering a constant in the Value field. The value can be blank.



Order of application. The result of one action can be used by another, so order can be important.