Zone Alias CSV Format

This type of import enables you to specify aliases to Determination zone names, including alternate or localized names. Zone Alias records can only alias to zone names already in Determination Zone Tree.

For information about using CSV format files, see Best Practices for Importing Data with CSV Files.

US and Non-US Zone Alias Files

The sdiType value changes depending on whether the file contains US zone aliases or Non-US zone aliases.

  • Use sdiType=ZoneAlias-US for US zone aliases.
  • Use sdiType=ZoneAlias-INTL for non-US zone aliases.

In both cases, the file format is the same; only the valid values in the ZoneName and LevelApplied columns are different.

Zone Alias File Format


Column Name







The text to be aliased, following these guidelines:

  • Aliases must consist of at least two characters. If aliasing a prefix or suffix such as the N in N ORLEANS, you must add an underscore character to indicate the space (N_). In this case, the alias would be from N_ to NEW_; both the alias and the value need to include the trailing space.
  • Leading and trailing spaces are always truncated from aliases; always use the underscore character as shown above if leading or trailing space is desired.
  • Spaces within strings (such as the full alias N ORLEANS to the value NEW ORLEANS) are permitted. You can also enter this alias as N_ORLEANS for consistency.

Country, State, and Province codes can be aliased to full names only, not to other codes.




The value to which the aliased text will be set; the resulting name once the alias is applied must be a valid zone name or the alias will fail.

If an underscore is included in an Alias, in most cases it will need to be in the Value as well. For example, if you are matching the prefix alias SO to SOUTH, include the underscore on both (SO_ and SOUTH_). In this case, SO BOSTON would be transformed to SOUTH BOSTON.

The exception to this rule is when you want a prefix to be concatenated to the alias string. For example, if you had an Alias of FT_ to the Value of FORT, FT DEFIANCE would be transformed to FORTDEFIANCE.




One of the following:

  • FL (Full Match): The entire string is evaluated. Example: N ORLEANS to NEW ORLEANS.
  • PX (Prefix): The first part of a string is evaluated. For example, FT to FORT in the zone FORT WORTH.
  • SX (Suffix): The last part of a string is evaluated. For example, ISLE to ISLAND in the zone PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.




The name of the parent zone owning the alias.
For non-US aliases, must be a valid name at this level:

  • World
  • Country

For US aliases, must be a valid name at this level:

  • World
  • Country
  • State




The level at which the alias is applied.
For non-US aliases, one of the following:

  • Country
  • Province
  • County
  • City

For US aliases, one of the following:

  • County
  • City

Example Zone Alias File

This file creates four zone aliases in the US Zone Tree.

  1. sdiType=ZoneAlias-US

  2. Alias,Value,Type,ZoneName,LevelApplied

  3. FT,Fort,PX,Colorado,City

  4. N_,New,PX,Louisiana,County

  5. _BCH,_BEACH,SX,Florida,City

  6. W_ALLIS,WEST ALLIS,FL,Wisconsin,City

For more information about formatting a CSV file, see Creating CSV Import Files.

Zone Alias Import Prerequisites

Any company to which you want to import this data must already exist.

Zone Alias Import Options

When you import zone alias data, the Import/Export Wizard prompts for Company Selection. Select the desired company.