Rule Output

Use this page to specify any additional output you want returned with the transaction when this rule is applied. For example, you could output Payment Terms of 30 days, a description of the rule applied, or any other desired messages.

When this rule is applied, this data saved to audit and included in the <AUTHORITY_ATTRIBUTE> structure in the XML Output at the Tax level. You can then access this data through reports or your ERP system.

This page consists of the following areas and their associated tasks:

  • Rule Outputs List: Select or view data about the rule outputs currently associated with this rule.
  • Selected Rule Output Tasks: Manage the selected rule output or add a new rule output.

Rule Outputs List

When you select a rule output from the list, the Selected Rule Output section is populated with data related to that item.

See the Selected Rule Output Field Reference table below for a field-level description of the list.

Selected Rule Output Tasks

You can use these procedures to add, modify or delete a rule output.

Add a new rule output

  1. Select Add from the Actions menu.
  2. Enter data using the field reference below.
  3. Click Submit to save your changes.

Modify a rule output

  1. Select the rule output from the Rule Outputs List.
  2. Modify data using the field reference below.

Delete a rule output

  1. Select the rule output from the Rule Outputs List.
  2. Select Delete from the Actions menu.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Selected Rule Output Field Reference






A name for the rule output such as Payment Terms.



A value for the rule output such as Payment Due in 90 Days.

Start Date


The effective start date for this rule output.

End Date


The effective end date for this rule output. If blank, the rule output will not expire.