Workbench Inclusives

Depending on a variety of factors, the gross amount submitted to Determination for a transaction may include certain taxes. These factors range from the type of business (retail), customer, location (EU), authority (Brazil PIS/COFINS) and business model (Purchases or Imports), each of which can drive tax-inclusive pricing.

Determination can be configured to account for inclusive taxes. The primary mechanism for doing so is by setting the calculation method on any desired rules to an inclusive tax type. Use this page to override the inclusive status set by the rule.

For more information, see the Inclusive Taxes conceptual topic.

In the following procedures, use the field reference table below to enter data in required and optional fields.

Set invoice-level options

  1. Enter or select the desired values.
  2. Click Submit to save the options.

Set line-level options

  1. Click the Line Data button if necessary. This button does not appear if you are already in line configuration mode.
  2. Select the desired line by choosing a number from the Line menu. If you need to see details about a line, you can toggle back and forth by clicking the Line Items and Line Data buttons.
  3. Enter or select the desired values.
  4. Click Submit to save the options.

View XML data

  1. Navigate to the Actions menu.
  2. Select XML Input, Allocated XML Input, Filtered XML Input, or XML Output. For more information, see Viewing Workbench XML Data.

Export a scenario

You can export the selected scenario, or all scenarios associated with this company:

  1. Select Properties from the Actions menu.
  2. Click one of the following:
    • This Scenario to export only the selected scenario.
    • This Scenario and All Siblings to export the selected scenario and all other scenarios associated with the selected company.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Browse to or enter a filename to save to and click Save.

Once you save the file, you can re-import it. See the Importing Data page.

View calculation details

  1. Click Submit to save your scenario.
  2. Then click Results in the Selected Scenario section.

Field Reference

Fully Inclusive

Set to one of the following:

  • None (default): Enable the selected rule to set inclusive status.
  • Yes: Treat taxes assessed by the rule as inclusive, regardless of the setting on the rule.
  • No: Treat taxes assessed by the rule as not inclusive, regardless of the setting on the rule.

Authority Type Name

Specify one or more Authority Type names to treat taxed assessed by authorities of those types only as inclusive, regardless of the setting on the rule.