Line and Allocation Line Level Output XML Elements
The following elements are found in the <OUTDATA><INVOICE><LINE> and <OUTDATA><INVOICE><LINE><ALLOCATION_LINE>
In the table(s) below, dependency is show by indentation. For example:
Element Name |
Type |
Aud? |
Description |
structural - includes all line-level elements as shown in this section |
Yes |
The ALLOCATION_LINE and /ALLOCATION_LINE elements are structural. They serve as the container for an individual allocation line. Each invoice can have multiple lines. The ID indicates the actual allocation line number. Note that each allocation line contains elements as shown in the rest of this section. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
Name of the allocation used in this transaction. |
number |
Yes |
A percentage of the gross amount of the line used in tax calculation. .5 is equal to 50%, .6 is equal to 60%, and so on. |
varchar2(25) |
Yes |
Line or invoice bill-to branch ID if either is not empty. |
varchar2(50) |
Yes |
A number or string that can be assigned to a product by a particular authority. In the EU, many member states have moved to using Harmonized Codes (similar to Commodity Codes) which can also be stored in this element. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The country where the goods were manufactured. Used in Intrastat reporting. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The customer name associated with this line. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The customer number associated with this line. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
Indicates how goods were shipped and when title was transferred. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
Department of consignment. Used in Intrastat reporting. |
varchar2(200) |
Yes |
A description of a particular product. This data is primarily used to retrieve and reference records from the audit data. |
number |
Yes |
In some situations volume or other discounts must be taken into account when calculating tax. For these situations, <DISCOUNT_AMOUNT> can be used to indicate that amount. When <DISCOUNT_AMOUNT> is passed, Determination will reduce the <GROSS_AMOUNT> by that discount amount as the new <TAXABLE_BASIS>. For example, if the <GROSS_AMOUNT> is 100 and a <DISCOUNT_AMOUNT> of 20 is passed, the tax engine uses a <TAXABLE_BASIS> of 80. |
number |
No |
This is the amount that is required to compute tax in forward calculations (see the invoice-level input element <CALCULATION_DIRECTION>). When you execute reverse calculations, the value of GROSS_AMOUNT is affected by the values of two Configuration parameters:
If you set the value for these parameters to Y, ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination inserts the calculated gross amount into the gross amount XML output element. For example, if there is no gross amount in the XML input, the gross amount in the XML output contains the calculated gross amount value. If there is a gross amount in the XML input, then it is replaced by the value of calculated gross amount in the XML output. If you accept the default and do not set these parameters (or set them to N), the gross amount in the XML output is the value you provided in the input. Gross amount is required in forward calculations, as well as in reverse-from-tax transactions using tiered rates. For information about gross amounts containing non-taxable amounts such as fees, see the description for <ITEM_VALUE>.
varchar2(2) |
Yes |
A pass-through element which has been deprecated in favor of enhanced VAT calculation logic. See <INPUT_RECOVERY_AMOUNT/PERCENT> |
date |
Yes |
The invoice date related to this individual line. |
boolean |
Yes |
Indicates whether a supply is being used for business. For some transaction types, whether a supply is being used for business or not impacts the tax and reporting requirements of the buyer and the seller. |
number |
Yes |
The value of an item. This is distinct from the gross amount because it does not contain costs such as landed costs, insurance, freight and other associated costs that gross amount contains. Item value is used in many VAT and EU Intrastat reports. |
number |
Yes |
The line number for the current line in the output. It correlates to a line number that was passed into ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination. |
<MASS> |
number |
Yes |
The Mass of a supply. Used for Intrastat reporting purposes in the EU. |
structural |
No |
A message related to this line. There can be multiple <MESSAGE> elements returned with each line.
varchar2(25) |
Yes |
Line or invoice middleman branch ID if either is not empty. |
varchar2(50) |
Yes |
The method of transport. Used for Intrastat reporting in the EU. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The original document item as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The original document item as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The original document type as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
date |
Yes |
The original document date as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
varchar2(200) |
Yes |
This number enables a credit invoice to be associated with an original invoice in the audit tables for reporting purposes. |
date |
Yes |
The original movement date as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The part number used by the referring application. This element is stored in the audit tables and does not affect calculation. |
varchar2(3) |
Yes |
The Point of Title Transfer location passed through from the Input XML. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The port of entry. Used for Intrastat reporting in the EU. |
varchar2(5) |
Yes |
The Port or Airport of Departure; used for Intrastat reporting in the EU. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The Regime, used for French Intrastat reports. |
number |
No |
The related line number from the Input XML. |
varchar2(25) |
Yes |
Line or invoice ship from branch ID if either is not empty. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
Line or invoice ship from country if either is not empty. |
varchar2(25) |
Yes |
Line or invoice ship to branch ID if either is not empty. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
Line or invoice ship to country if either is not empty. |
varchar2(5) |
Yes |
The size of a supply. For Intrastat reports in the EU, some commodities require an additional measuring unit other than or in addition to mass for reporting purposes. EU rules determine the unit to be used for various supplies. |
varchar2(25) |
Yes |
Line or invoice supply branch ID if either is not empty. |
<TAX> |
structural |
No |
A single tax that applies to this line item. There can be multiple <TAX> structures for each line. <TAX> structures are only returned for a given Authority if a Tax Rule for that Authority was used when tax was calculated. |
varchar2(50) |
Yes |
The tax code is optionally passed in the Input XML or may have been set by a TransEditor. |
structural |
Yes |
A summary of tax amounts and warnings. The tax summary is passed in the Input XML and includes line-level data elements: <TAXABLE_BASIS> <NON_TAXABLE_BASIS> <EXEMPT_AMOUNT> <TAX_RATE> <EFFECTIVE_TAX_RATE> <ADVISORIES> |
number (converted currency) |
Yes |
Contains the maximum taxable basis from the amount on the authority tax lines. If an authority tax line is a tier, all tiers for the authority have their tax basis summed and treated like a single tax line for purposes of determining the maximum taxable basis. If the total exceeds gross amount, the taxable basis is set to the gross amount. If no tax results, the value is zero. |
number (converted currency) |
Yes |
Contains the maximum non-taxable basis from the tax results. No special process occurs for tiered results. If no tax results, the value is zero. |
number |
Yes |
Contains the maximum exempt amount from the tax results. If no tax, the value is zero. |
number |
Yes |
Sum of all taxes. No distinction is made for rates from tiers. If all taxes are fees, the value is zero. |
number |
Yes |
Total taxes on the line divided by the maximum taxable basis. |
structural |
Yes |
Notify you of special summary conditions that may produce unexpected results. List of flagged conditions you may want to be aware, including:
number |
No |
The total tax amount for this line item. |
varchar2(1) |
No |
A pass-through element used in conjunction with the <DELIVERY_TERMS> element to enable meeting the "named place" requirement for the point of title transfer as defined by ICC Incoterms. |
varchar2(2) |
Yes |
The transaction type, which is required to apply the correct type of taxes to the transaction. Valid types are:
For a complete description of these transaction types, see Transaction Types |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The ERP system's primary key for this line number. |
structural |
No |
A structure that enables companies to submit, and have returned, user-defined elements that are not directly supported in ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination. These elements can be used in conjunction with TransEditors (input filters) to enable custom tax calculations. |
<NAME> |
varchar2(200) |
No |
The name of the user element. This was passed into ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination in the Input XML. |
varchar2(200) |
Yes |
The value to be passed into ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination's audit tables and returned to your business application. This was passed into ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination in the Input XML. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes |
The vendor's name. This data is primarily used to retrieve and reference records from the audit data. |
varchar2(20) |
Yes |
The vendor's number. This data is primarily used to retrieve and reference records from the audit data. |
number |
Yes |
The amount of tax charged by the vendor on an Accounts Payable line. |